Saturday, October 4, 2008

Imagine what it is like to have your heart broken every year at about the same time-that is what its like to be a diehard Cubs fan!

For all the Cubs accomplishments this season the Cubs season ended with a whimper not a bang. All the high hopes me and other Cubs fans had. All the hoopla about how this was the Cubs year. I believed all that. I still believe that and to see what happened tonight against the Dodgers is the ultimate insult to Cubs fans everywhere.

I hope the players, particularly Soriano is ashamed of himself. He was supposed to get the Cubs over the hump but his last bat has to go down as an example of how not to hit in the 9th inning with your team trailing, When I go over this game, I see so many opportunities for the Cubs to have taken the lead, Opportunities squandered.

Soto's double with no men out. Derrek Lee's double. So many chances for the Cubs to have won this game and extended their season. But in the end 1 run of 8 hits. Pathetic clutch hitting. I hate saying that as a Cubs fan for 30 years but the players did not come through when it counted.

I do not know why, or what happened to this team in the post season but this sense of utter disappointment is difficult to live with. It feels like investing all your time and energy in a friend only to have them spit in your face and run away with your girl. (Sorry for the shaky analogies I am feeling pretty shitty now.)

Imagine what it is like to have your heart broken into two every year. That is what it's like to be a Cubs fan. I am mixed with disappointment, anger, sadness, self pity, and frustration. The Cubs broke my heart. Again, But I will be rooting for them just as hard next year. Again. Life is silly like that.

Chief Myabuyer-

The Death of the Cubs 2008 season-3 and out!

I am heartbroken now. After seeing Alfonso Soriano flail and miss, striking out on 3 straight pitches I realize how disappointing life can be. This day has to be one of the worst days of my life so far.

I do not know how it happened. How a team so talented and fundamentally sound for 162 games can fall apart against an unheralded Dodgers team. The Cubs probably should have swung a trade for Manny, considering how little the Dodgers gave up to get him as a rent a player.

For some reason Manny was the Cubs killer. He somehow lead a Dodgers team that barely won the the weakest division in baseball, into the 2nd round of the playoffs.

I feel totally cheated by my team. My team was my heart and soul. I would spent every day watching at least part of gameday when they were playing. Day or night I followed them, rooted for them, enjoyed the highest of highs (Big Z's no hitter against the Astros in Miller Park) to the lowest of lows (tonights game against the Dodgers.) I feel that something must change for the Cubs to get over the hump.

Perhaps they need to sign Manny when he becomes a free agent and get a proven playoff leader on the team. All I know is that the team that played tonite did not resemble the team I followed for 162 games this year. This team choked. They choked when it counted and many of the batters looked like a deer in headlights.

Edmonds for all he's done should not be on the Cubs next year. He did absolutely nothing to help the team win this post season. Soriano was an even bigger disappointment. The amount of pitches he took were minimal and for all the power he has, he never was able to get on base. His batting average is the lowest for all the Cubs starters.

I am so depressed that while I have a million questions that I would like to ask Lou, like why did you start Edmonds rather then Reed Johnson, why did you let so many hitters swing at the first pitch and not work the count, and how could such a deep and talented team get swept in the 1st round of the playoffs.

It looks like if I will see any Cub title I'll have to wait till next year. I hate that saying Wait till next year but as a Cubs fan that is all I can do.

Cubs fans may be naively optimistic about our teams chances but in the end were Cubs fans. That will never change. EVER.

-Chief Myabuyer

Please Harden win Game 3 in LA!!!!

I am praying that Rich Harden beats the Dodgers in game 3 of the playoffs and that the Cubs can overcome their mental mistakes and errors to win this series.

As a die hard Cubs fan it is killing me to watch them play fundamentally poor baseball-probably the worse performance of the year. I have faith that this is the Cubs year and although the odds are stacked against them, the Cubs must persevere.

Chicago is a better team then LA. Based on record, batting average, runs differential, and on base percentage they should be leading the series. It will be unfair if the lesser team wins just because they happen to get hot at the right time.

The same thing happened to the Cardinals in the year they won the world series. They got hot in the playoffs but had a very poor regular season.

If the Cubs do not advance my interest in the rest of the playoff games on Fox will be non existent. I believe many fellow Cubs fans will feel the same way. I cannot root for the Phillies, LA or Milwaukee. I bleed Cubs blue.

The Cubs are the only reason I watch baseball. Take away the Cubs and the playoffs become a lot duller. I would bet the ratings for the NLCS would nosedive as well.

The Cubs are a team of destiny. Anything less then a trip to the World Series can be considered a failure.